Historical Timeline

Q2 2012


Dr. Hamid Sami begins research on supplements prescribed by neurologists including his own medical practices to better understand what could be improved.

Marketplace choice \ confusion, ingredient quality, gastrointestinal issues, manufacturing consistency and consumer value were identified as major issues needing improvement.

Q2 2012
Q4 2012

Research Complete

Analysis of hundreds of publications, peer reviewed articles \ research is completed to determine a better product design and path forward.

Q4 2012
Q1 2013

Market Analysis

Dr. Sami reaches out to his friend, Mr. Justin Higgins, a technology entrepreneur and asks his team to conduct a market analysis and consider forming a new company. NeuroHydrate is formed as a new Partnership in Connecticut.

Q1 2013
Q4 2013

HM-Formula Design is Completed

Ingredient research and overall product specifications are completed. RFP is sent to contract manufacturers who can certify U.S. source ingredients for prototyping.

Q4 2013
Q2 2014

Prototyping Begins

Prototyping begins with multiple contract manufacturers. Many attempts failed until a new but far more expensive multi-step manufacturing process is identified.

Work begins on reducing the cost of the business model to offset higher manufacturing costs. An "online only sales model" is chosen as the only viable solution that meets pricing objectives for the final supplement: HM-Formula.

Q2 2014
Q3 2014

Brand Development & Trademarks

NeuroHydrate's image and logo is created and paperwork filed with the USPTO for trademarks.

Q3 2014
Q2 2015

HM-Formula Bench & Safety Testing Begins

One year after prototyping  begun, NeuroHydrate begins bench and safety testing with contract manufacturers.

A plastic that resists oxygen with a vacuum sealed cap and seal is chosen for the supplement bottle.

Q2 2015
Q2 2015


The NeuroHydrate Name and the Brain Tree Logo are granted to NeuroHydrate. Multiple new marks are filed and provisional patent \ legal work begins on NeuroHydrate's delivery system and manufacturing method. 

Q2 2015
Q1 2016

Neurology Partnerships

NeuroHydrate reaches out to Neurologists in New England about joining our HCP network.

Q1 2016
Q2 2016

N-Core Operating System

Internal systems design, programming and NeuroHydrate website integration is completed.

Q2 2016
Q2 2016

cGMP Compliant

NeuroHydrate meets cGMP compliance in product manufacturing and begins manufacturing of high-quality, high-value supplement, HM-Formula.

Q2 2016
Q3 2016

NeuroHydrate Market Trial

NeuroHydrate goes on sale and market research trials begin with selected Neurologists in the HCP network that use supplements.

Q3 2016
Q2 2017

1st Conference

NeuroHydrate presents at their first New England Conference.

Q2 2017
Q4 2018

Analysis of Marketing Data Completed

Before and after surveys, indicate that over 80% of customers would recommend us to others, citing a high-value supplement that is easy to take and better than others they have tried in the past.

Q4 2018
Q1 2019

Consumer Marketing Begins

NeuroHydrate begins consumer marketing with first press release to the general public.

Q1 2019
Q2 2019

National profile begins and branding

Marketing begins nationally and the HCP network continues to grow. Product samples are in high demand.

Q2 2019
Q1 2020


COVID-19 Pandemic increases in the United States. Employees trained on CDC guidelines & new business practices, CGMP manufacturing adjusted to comply with CDC guidelines. Remote workforce based on existing Disaster Recovery Plan implemented for Help Desk. All systems work as designed with 100% uptime.

Q1 2020
Q3 2020

Newcomer Offer

After in-depth order analysis and more market research, the Newcomer Offer is launched, It provides a 90-day supply with an automatic $50 refund if we fail to meet customer expectations. This level of confidence is unmatched in the market and well received. 

Q3 2020
Q1 2021


All staff agree to be vaccinated per the State of Connecticut and CDC guidelines. No vaccination issues or incidents with staff are reported. 

Q1 2021
Q3 2021

Manufacturing Increases

Pricing pressure in manufacturing due to a far higher rate of inflation in the United States pushes management to risk doubling inventory for 2022 in order to protect consumer pricing.

Q3 2021
Q1 2022

Intellectual Property

The USPTO (United States Patent & Trademark office) accepted NeuroHydrate's Combined Declaration of Use and Incontestability under Sections 8 & 15 ensuring future brand protection and strengthening our litigation posture if necessary in the future.

Q1 2022
Q2 2022

Waste Analysis

In an effort to streamline operations and control costs NeuroHydrate conducts a robust analysis of waste and determines that it will eliminate all cardboard from the business to reduce shipping and printing costs.

Multiple processes are refined so we can streamline operations in an effort to control costs as inflationary pressure increases.

Q2 2022
Q3 2022

Price Stability

Management communicate NeuroHydrate's consumer price stability plan to all NeuroHydrate members and Facebook fans. The plan has 7 parts from slowing development of new products, reducing waste, smarter shipping and new research programs for consumer who are skeptical or have failed on other brands.

Q3 2022